Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Laurie's flexible learning blog

Hi everyone,
I am in my third year of lecturing at OP in the School of Nursing. I teach in the 1st and 3rd year primary health papers and a little in year 3 Theory for Practice.
I am .6 here (3 days a week) and .4 as a public health nurse for the Southern DHB. Hence my lecturing is firmly based in clinical practice.
There are several topics that I am hoping to look at in this paper; how to be more effective in teaching health promotion to 3rd year students and my general tutorial style for year 1 and how to incorporate various teaching methods.
I am looking forward to participating in this course.


  1. Great to see you up and running Laurie. Your public health work will be invaluable for the students. I am interested to hear more about the type of 'teaching scenarios' you use with students, and how you currently share your stories from the front, and how they share theirs. This could be an area to explore further. Have you any thoughts about this?

    You may be interested in this website showing some nursing scenarios and the accompanying discussion by students. Although it is hospital-care based a similar format would work with primary health care. Nursing scenarios


    1. The link to the Nursing Scenarios is excellent. Thank you Bronwyn. I can really see the possibilities of using this format for the 3rd year students on their primary care placement. The students are on placement from Stewart island to Kaitaia and the blog would be a great way of students to learn from and feedback to their colleagues.
      I will perserver with this possibility. Thanks Bron.

  2. Hi Laurie, great to hear from you. You are obviously very busy. How will you manage working in a flexible framework when you have a lot of external influences on your teaching?

    1. Thanks Sarah,
      Life is VERY busy. My teaching commitments are huge at the moment, my clinical practice area is equally busy with being in the middle of HPV vaccinations, and I have started further study - a PhD which will use a combination of computer-based research as a method and using participants from around NZ.

      My teaching is very much based on my expertise from my clinical (external influences). So, it seems that the external influences are extensive but to my benefit as I hope that what I gain from this paper will enhance both my teaching and study.
