Monday, 10 September 2012

Open education resources

Thoughts on open education resources – Activity 6 Flexible learning

Open educational resources (OER) is the term adopted by UNESCO in 2002 and is defined as “educational materials and resources offered free and openly for anyone to used with copy rights to re-mix, make improvements and to redistribute the resources” (Blackall, 2007; p.26; Wikiversity). This means that OER are produced with the expectation that they will be used and re-mixed/adjusted by others at no cost and without being affected by copyright laws. However, any OERs used are required to be attributed to the original authors. OERs are used by constructivist theorist.

With constructivist theories of pedagogy in mind, Blackall (2007) claims that the use of social media in teaching is increasing as educators become more familiar and confident using this method for facilitating learning. Social media has the potential to provide an alternative to formal classroom teaching. However, there are many forms of both social media and web-based programmes that student’s access. They can access these through ‘apps’ (applications) through a huge range of electronic devices. Students are no longer restricted to desk-top computers or even lap-tops to access digital libraries and information. They have iPads, iTouchs, iPhones and other smart phones, all of which can access the internet and digital libraries at any time. That aside, many of our nursing students are not familiar with the library within meters of the lecture rooms. However the growing use of multiple devices can cause some issues for educators, with restrictions on funding for institutions like OP, who are not able to keep the educators with up to date equipment. From my experience it is more common that students are more familiar with various digital devices than the educator, which creates a barrier for the use of OERs in the curriculum. Additionally, educators are not necessarily comfortable with all forms of devices and the various forms of social media.

I found this wonderful quote by Daryl West on OER and tedhnology in education;

“By itself, technology will not remake education.  Meaningful change requires alterations in technology, organizational structure, instructional approach, and educational assessment. But if officials combine innovations in technology, organization, operations, and culture, they can overcome current barriers, produce better results, and reimagine the manner in which schools function.” (West, 2011)


Blackall, R. (2007). Open educational resources and practices. Scope Contemporary Research Topic: Flexible Learning 1.  University of Otago Print: Dunedin, New Zealand.

West, D. (October 2011). Using Technology to Personalize Learning and Assess Students in Real-Time. Retrieved from

Wikiverstiy. Open educational resources. Retrieved from,

1 comment:

  1. Ah I commented on this already on the comments further back. Good to see the post found its way to a more obvious place. :)
